Centre Co. Commissioner Michael Pipe named to Governor-elect Shapiro's staff

On Thursday, Governor-elect Josh Shapiro announced some of the individuals who will be appointed to his administration.

Among them is Centre County Commissioner Michael Pipe, who will serve as the Deputy Chief of Staff for Public Safety.

Pipe has served as county commissioner since 2012.

"During his time on the Board of Commissioners, Pipe oversaw the multi-stage upgrade of the countywide 9-1-1 radio emergency communications system, expanded the regional emergency services training site for first responders and emergency personnel, supported reforms resulting in a 50% reduction in returning citizens at the Centre County Correctional Facility, and championed funding for the County’s Central Booking Center, which supports local law enforcement," Shapiro's announcement stated.

Commissioner Pipe is also an active member of the County Commissioners Association of Pennsylvania and the National Association of Counties.

He is also a graduate of Penn State University with a bachelor’s degree in Political Science.
